About Bloom and Moo: Bloom and Moo is a silent graphic novel about my original character named Bloom. She is a floral alien who has to decide on what planet she should assist. She decides on Earth because she noticed that it was dying. She gets in her floral ufo and lands on Earth in a cattle ranch. She exits her ufo and sees cows for the first time. She is ecstatic!! They are so cute and beautiful. She noticed that the land that the cows were grazing on was dead so she healed the land, making flowers and healthy grass spawn. Bloom moves through the land on Earth and heals it as she passes. She ends up in a gray city. She hates it!! It is so ugly to her! The cows are behind her and run through the city with her while she makes the land healthy and colorful again. While doing this, she is face-to-face with a human. The human is surprised by Bloom because is 7ft tall, pink, and covered in pink flowers. The human calms down and introduces himself. Turns out he is a modeling agent and would love to photograph Bloom with her permission! He asks Bloom if that would be ok and Bloom said that she will agree on 3 conditions: the cows get to be in the photoshoot, the clothes that Bloom will wear in the photoshoot must be FAUX cow print, and the humans must take better care of their planet. The human thinks then agrees. Bloom gets dressed in her faux cow print suit and adorns the cows in flowers. They take their pictures then walk down the catwalk. After all of this, Bloom and her cow friends get into her floral ufo then travels back to Bloom's planet. From Bloom's planet, she can see that Earth is healthy once again :)


Project 5


Project 7